Canadian Cannabis Legalization is Moving Too Fast, Says Nation

Canadian cannabis legalization

Canadians still don't know how to say no. On June 28th a Dart Insight poll on the Canadian cannabis legalization was released. And the results clearly show that Canadians simply go with the flow - in this case, go with the government's flow - whether they believe in the topic at hand or not.

Is the Country OK with the Canadian Cannabis Legalization?

When people think of Canada, cannabis is right up there with things like ice hockey and poutine. Therefore, one would suspect the entire nation to be on board with the legalization. It turns out, however, that this couldn't be farther from the truth.

According to the new Dart Insight survey, there are three things, in particular, that Canadians are worried about now that cannabis is set to be legalized in October:

1) Society is not ready to deal with what's going to follow the legalization, such as stoned drivers on the road.

2) The black market is going to continue to thrive. Why? Cannabis is going to cost a lot more.

3) The Cannabis Act is "just a big political move to get votes," with no real concern for expanding and improving the cannabis sector.

The Statistics

Here are the figures that stuck out the most to us:

- 55% of Canadians want the cannabis legalization to be delayed. The poll shows that a delay of up to a year is accepted across the board.

- 6/10 Canadians think Bill C-45 (the Cannabis Act) is a political move "and nothing else."

- 58% of Canadians between the ages of 18-34 agree that Liberals went forth with legalizing cannabis solely for political gain.

- 69% of Canadians fear the black market will continue to succeed as costs will spike.

- 55% of Canadians do not believe provinces are fully equipped to deal with drivers under the influence of cannabis.

Canadian Cannabis Legalization: The Takeaway

Do you agree with the results of this poll? Is the Canadian cannabis legalization moving too fast for the country? Or, do you think this fear will slowly disappear once October rolls around?

>> Canada Cannabis Legalization: Cannabis Act Passes with Flying Colours

Featured Image: Depositphotos/© gustavofrazao