House Bill 2600: A New Cannabis Bill is Proposed in Pennsylvania

House Bill 2600

Will Pennsylvania be the next US state to legalize recreational cannabis? Perhaps if it can get House Bill 2600 passed.

House Bill 2600

A Pennsylvanian lawmaker, Republican Jake Wheatley, has created a proposal to bring legalization to recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania state. His proposal, named House Bill 2600, already has garnered close to 10,000 signatures in an online petition. If it gains enough traction, the bill should go to a state public vote.

What Does House Bill 2600 Propose?

The new cannabis bill proposes that adults—21 years or older—be permitted to possess cannabis products such as edibles and dried cannabis and own up to six cannabis plants in the home. However, no more than three of these plants can be mature flowering plants.

Using cannabis in the home is permitted, but public use will still be illegal, as will driving under the influence.

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Interestingly, the new bill calls for the immediate release of people jailed for marijuana misdemeanors.

Regarding the new bill, Wheatley said the following:

"Those who have criminal histories related to cannabis would be expunged, and professional and driver’s licenses that were revoked or suspended due to cannabis-related crimes would be reinstated. For far too long, the criminal justice system has unfairly punished Pennsylvanians, especially minorities, who are caught with cannabis."

What It Could Generate for the State

Should House Bill 2600 be passed, it would mean positive things for Pennsylvania state. For one, an estimated $500 million a year in tax revenue. Other jurisdictions across the globe have been vying for the law to be changed for similar reasons. Cannabis legality will mean infrastructure, jobs, and tax revenue.

Currently, medical marijuana is permissible in Pensylvania and possession of small amounts for recreational use is decriminalized in some major cities.

In America, nine states and the district of Washington DC have made recreational marijuana legal. 30 states have approved the medical use of the drug. Will Pensylvania be next? We'll keep our eyes on it.

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