Can Cannabis Cure Your Cigarette Cravings?

Cannabis and Cigarettes

Cannabis and cigarettes: A recent study performed last month has corroborated the findings of an older study where cannabis was tested to see the effect it had on nicotine cravings.

In both studies, the findings showed that the cannabinoids in cannabis helped to reduce cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms significantly.

In order to perform the test, the smokers were given cannabidiol or CBD.

Cannabis and Cigarettes: The Studies

In the earlier study, two groups of people were contrasted. Those using a placebo and those using CBD. The ask was to use an inhaler everytime a cigarette craving was felt. The results showed that the group taking the CBD reduced the average cigarette intake by 40%. Furthermore, this intake reduction continued past the study.

The most recent study had similar findings, except this study used images which would usually elicit a positive response or craving in cigarette smokers. The study group was shown images of people enjoying cigarettes. Some individuals in the group were given an 800 mg dose of CBD after one full night without nicotine. Others were given a placebo. The results showed that the CBD group reacted less to the images than the placebo group. The placebo group equated the images with pleasure; an indication of a stronger presence of intrusive thoughts.

Cannabis, A Treatment Option?

Cannabis is already being used to help treat opioid addiction and alcoholism. Therefore, it makes sense that its properties might help those trying to quit smoking too.

Typical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include nausea, anxiety, mood swings, and headaches. Cannabis has already proven itself a powerful treatment for these symptoms in many different areas so it makes sense that it could be a plausible aid to quitting cigarettes.

CBD can be administered through oils, tablets, and tinctures so the need to smoke altogether can be avoided. However, in another sense smoking cannabis may also help to mimic the act of smoking which when done gradually can eventually substitute the standard pack of cigarettes.

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CBD, it seems, can help with the symptoms and intrusive thoughts that come with nicotine addiction. In the long run, it could be a much healthier alternative than cigarettes.

Featured Image: Deposit Photos/pedrobento01