Industries Against Marijuana Legalization

Industries Against Marijuana Legalization

Industries against marijuana legalization: Marijuana reform has taken great strides within the last decade, but there are still some industries that refuse to budge on their negative stance on cannabis.

Attitudes are shifting among the people and laws have begun to swing in favor of medicinal and recreational cannabis. However, there are still certain people and entire industries that staunchly oppose marijuana's legalization.

Let's take a closer look at those industries against marijuana legalization.

Big Pharma

It is safe to say that large pharmaceutical companies run healthcare within the United States. In the 90s, practiced medicine shifted from preventative to reactive. Insurance companies stopped covering the 'free' annual checkups for families - thus pushing a need for more reactive healthcare measures, aka. prescriptions.

Recently, well-sustained evidence of marijuana's effectiveness for pain management has the pharmaceutical companies running scared. However, there are some companies that have begun integrating cannabis into their pain management products.

For the most part, though, cannabis gets a big red 'X.' Just recently, the US life expectancy has dipped due to the opioid crisis, but big pharma continues to lobby against cannabis. Just goes to show what Pharma is really after - money.

Law Enforcement

The law enforcement of marijuana hasn't changed one bit, and most law enforcement groups around the country have tried blocking it at every turn. There has been some history of misuse regarding the law enforcement when handling drug charges - remember the war on drugs?

The reasons behind their stance make sense. Presently, there's isn't an exact way to detect if a person is driving 'high.' Many companies are emerging now to come up with breathalyzers that can do this, but most are still in their testing phases. Their main concern is keeping everyone safe.

However, most states within the US that have legalized recreational cannabis prohibit anyone in the car from being high and serious actions are taken against those who break those laws.

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