When Marijuana Becomes Legal in Canada, Be Careful of the American Border!

American Borders

Every now and then, certain things about the world make you shake your head and say "What are they thinking here?" a good example: plastic packaged pre-peeled bananas. Why peel a fruit and wrap it in plastic "to keep it fresh"?

Another thing that will need sorting out (purely for logical reasoning) will be the American borders that sit between legal cannabis states in America and Canada.

Let's look at this.

American Borders Will Cause Confusion

Taking Washington as an example: Washington State in the US has had recreational marijuana legal for four years now. It borders Canada at British Columbia. And come October 17, adults in Canada will be able to legally enjoy marijuana also. So here we have two areas in close proximity, both allowing legal recreational marijuana. These two areas experience a continual and regular influx of people crossing the border going from one to the other.

Nothing seems to be the problem here, except when trying to cross that border — carrying marijuana.

Because the thin US border that stands between them is a militarized zone where marijuana will remain illegal due to federal law.

As a result of this, any US citizen crossing back into the United States carrying marijuana bought legally in Canada to states where it is also legal risks being arrested for possession — even drug smuggling — and will face large fines or even jail time.

Not only does this seem counter-productive to a progressive law (which has passed by public vote might I add) it will catch people out unfairly. And in their droves I imagine. When something becomes legal, people begin to regularize their lives to it. Would it really be anyone's fault for forgetting about their usual marijuana supply that's tucked neatly away in their travel bag?

Should the US be arresting these people on a drug smuggling charge? 

This is as clearly thought out as putting your goldfish on a skateboard to "take it for a walk" — it is pointless.

>>BC Announces its 31 Suppliers for Recreational Cannabis!

The U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions isn't addressing this conundrum lightly either, in fact, he has made it clear that he wants greater federal enforcement against marijuana, ensuring that border agents enforce federal law.

So keep this in mind when crossing over from Canada into the US. Your destination may be legal, but your journey ain't.

It is not worth the potential risk of being branded a "drug smuggler" so be careful! SMH.

Featured Image: Deposit Photos/avemario