FDA Warns Rat Poison Found in Synthetic Marijuana

synthetic marijuana health risks

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just released a warning to citizens about the significant synthetic marijuana health risks associated with use. The FDA warns that these synthetic drugs could contain brodifacoum, a highly lethal anticoagulant used in rat poison.

Synthetic Marijuana Health Risks

The FDA reports that in recent months, hundreds of individuals have been hospitalized due to contaminated synthetic marijuana products. There have even been some deaths associated with the use of synthetic marijuana.

The report says that the contaminated products cause adverse side effects including:

  • vomiting
  • suicidal thoughts
  • rapid heart rate
  • increased blood pressure
  • violent behavior
  • kidney damage
  • seizures

The FDA warns that any individual that may have used synthetic marijuana should look for signs of bleeding, which includes bruising, nosebleeds, or bleeding gums. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

The FDA press release stresses:

"Given the known and unknown risks associated with these synthetic cannabinoid products, the FDA urges individuals to avoid using them, especially since there's no way of telling which synthetic marijuana products have been contaminated with the powerful anticoagulant brodifacoum."

Contaminated Marijuana on the Rise

Synthetic marijuana is on the rise within the United States, and on July 4th, 14 synthetic marijuana overdoses were reported in the small town of New Haven, Connecticut. This was just one small town that experienced this, and there have been news reports popping up all over the country with similar storylines.

K2, the name given to synthetic marijuana on the streets, recently made its way into Florida prisons and killed four inmates. These four deaths, in the state's 14th Judicial District, have all taken place in 2018.

Recently, a French pharmaceutical research company by the name of Biotrial conducted a trial of a synthetic drug mimicking marijuana, which resulted in one death. The trial consisted of 128 patients ranging from 18 – 55 years old. Those affected the worst by the drug administered were the six participants who received a higher dose of the drug. The patient that died was declared brain dead, and the other five suffered permanent disability due to neurological damage.

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